Person knitting

Festival Crafts 2022

The diversity of crafters who return to the Temple Terrace Arts and Crafts Festival year after year are truly amazing! Each vendor offers items they have personally created.

As we accept applications from talented Crafters we will add to this slideshow an image of what they will bring to this year’s Festival and a link to their website.

  • 49th Arts & Crafts Festival Still on Schedule for November 12-13, 10 am to 4 pm
  • June's Jewelry Design - Necklace
  • Owl shaped soap
  • Linda Sheffield - Jewelry
  • Mel Mel Mugs
  • Burns Rustic Ranch - Bass Mug
BoothCrafterBusiness Name
142Bockius, Kathleen Kit Kats Catnip
114Boisvert, Jackie Craftsealady Crochet & Soaps
129Bonet, Melody Melmelmugs
154Brisbon, Sherea Sherea Renee
131Broda, Cat & Denise MaraldoSanDenC Creations
111Brunsman, ChristineSweet Soap Confections
140Chaparro, Andrea Trivets and Treasures
125Coburn, John John Coburn Tie Dye
123Crenshaw, Tessa TSCtrinkets
159Cucco, Annette Bella Rose Creations
108Cummings, Claire CC Gemstones Jewelry & Crystals
130Das, Purabi East Mystique, Etsy
128Denslow, Barbara & Jayne Charm Earrings by Barbara & Jayne
138Derench, Sandra Edward’s Kool Kreations
113Ellis, Shari Creative Creations
153Everette, Christina Christina Evette LLC
102Flannery, Tyan Salty Fox Shop
39Fowler, April Dragonfly Studios
118Fuller, Minnie Minnie Fuller Silks
102Gerstorff, Joshua Custom Creations Woodworking LLC
157Iglesias, Carlos Earlusion
127Janeda, Marchelle The Lather Lab
132Kalber, Jill Just Jill Designs
119Kim, Gahyun Brooks DeBartolo Collegiate HS
151Mahmood, Nadiyah Henna by Nadi NAM
41Mayorga, ChristinaChrist Our Redeemer Lutheran Church
137Organ, Dee R DeeSign Glass
139Ozyurt ,June June’s Jewelry Design
148Park, Eun AmiTaku
Phelan, Ilene & KimStudio Art
110Potter, Jennifer Jennifer Potter Designs
117Powell, Pamela Celestial Elements Soap
124Qachbal, CandyQachbals Candles and More
141Sheffield, Linda Linda Sheffield
120Stahl, Savannah Savannah’s Creations
103Stockley, Colleen Everlasting Gifts
112Stone, Cheyanne Burns Rustic Ranch Boutique
147Sutliff, Carl Sutliff Naturals
116Toledo, Jessica Maddie & McKenzie Handcrafted Gifts
144Turner, Jennifer3DPrintandVintbyJenn
135Turner, Joanie Coneflower Lane Pottery
152Washington, Shirnetha Gabby Wabby LLC
145Wesolek, Sandee Designs in Nature
134Wilkinson, Lori The Oak Guy & Mosaic Lady
156Williams, Mesha Instinctively Different
146Wright, Sunshine Sunshine Signatures

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